

Gracias por unirte a nuestra comunidad ‘me too’. Juntos hemos compartido y leído historias 1,019 veces. Gracias por ayudar a crear una ola de cambio.

Historias Filtros

Bienvenida a ‘me too’.

En esta página hay historias compartidas por sobrevivientes que resaltan la esperanza pero que también pueden ser difícil para leer. Una actividad para poner los pies sobre la tierra puede ayudarte sentirte tranquila y facilitar la lectura de estas historias. Quieres probar una de nuestras actividades para poner los pies sobre la tierra?

L names

It was never your fault, it was theirs.


An Early Win in the Never Ending War

I think healing for me is very much about the restoration of freedom and the ability to exercise my power, and nurturing the parts of myself that have suffered the most from sexual violence. But there is no part that is not affected, when our bodies and our very being are under attack. As a defiantly out, loud and proud, fat queer woman I have been gleefully taking up space and challenging gender norms since I was toddler and the moving men called me Butch, much to my mother's dismay. Because I have had to do much of my healing recently in iso...


Sexual violence is not foreign to my Black Queer body, despite my inability to always verbalize the violence that I have endured. My first experience of sexual violence started at the age of seven. Despite the trauma endured, I am resilient and the possible of healing. Throughout life I have learned the value of advocating for self and discovering true community. I am proud to share my story and to help those who desire healing just as I did/do.

“You are not broken; you are not disgusting or unworthy; you are not unlovable; you are wonderful, strong, and worthy.”

I Thought My Body Wasn't my Own

It is not your fault. You are enough. You are worthy of healthy love.


For me there was and is no healing.

Empowered and Free

May my words have the power to inspire, uplift, and encourage others who may be going through challenging times. Sharing my message of hope can help create a ripple effect of positivity and kindness. EMPOWERED WOMEN EMPOWER WOMEN.

Salida de seguridad
