Obra de arte
Yo estaba...
at Someone Else’s Home
at Work
in School / University
at a Social Event
in a Religious Setting
in a Public Space
Online or in a Digital Space
La persona que me hizo daño era un...
Non-Romantic Friend
Casual / First Date
Romantic Partner
Family Member
Authority Figure
Me identifico como...
Black / African / Caribbean
Hispanic / Latino / Spanish
American Indian / Alaska Native
Two or More Races
Mi orientación sexual es...
Straight / Heterosexual
Me identifico como...
a Man
a Woman
Me identifico como...
a Person with a physical disability
a Person who is neurodivergent
a Person who is deaf / hard of hearing
a Person who is blind or has a visual impairment
a Person with a speech or language impairment
a Person with an intellectual or developmental disability
Yo era...
a Child
a Teenager
a Young Adult
an Adult
a Senior / Elderly Person
Cuando esto ocurrió, también experimenté...
Physical harm
Emotional abuse
Financial abuse
Human trafficking
Verbal abuse
En esta página hay historias compartidas por sobrevivientes que resaltan la esperanza pero que también pueden ser difícil para leer. Una actividad para poner los pies sobre la tierra puede ayudarte sentirte tranquila y facilitar la lectura de estas historias. Quieres probar una de nuestras actividades para poner los pies sobre la tierra?
Deuteronomy 26:9 says "then, he brought us to this place and gave us this land; a land flowing with milk & honey"
To me healing is being truly honest with yourself & accepting & forgiving yourself. Being able to find a way to release the pain of the past. Give yourself a break. Love is what matters.
To the survivor that's going through this healing journey & feels alone,
Never stop living your life after what had happened to you & continue to chase your dreams & goals! 💌
-From one survivor to another 🫴🏽
I wish when I was younger I understand the value of healing. Instead, I tried to persevere and suppress only to find myself in a toxic relationship trying to do my best for my children.
Healing means, finding my normal.
1 nueva actualización
I need to share my story on the news. I am finally ready!
What Hope Means to Me
Hope is a beacon of light in the midst of darkness, a guiding star that takes us through life's toughest challenges. For me, hope has become an anchor, grounding me through the stormy seas of my journey. After being healed of AIDS, hope took on a new and profound meaning in my life. It became being the engine behind my transformation into a motivational speaker, a role where I share my story of triumph and resilience.
I believe in myself and the power of greatness that brought me to life.
Always keep your head up. Never let anyone think you're less then them. Best advice I could give is love yourself no matter what. In your heart you will always know you have the courage to stand with pride knowing you are a lovely soul and it's not your fault for being in a situation.
I think healing for me is very much about the restoration of freedom and the ability to exercise my power, and nurturing the parts of myself that have suffered the most from sexual violence. But there is no part that is not affected, when our bodies and our very being are under attack. As a defiantly out, loud and proud, fat queer woman I have been gleefully taking up space and challenging gender norms since I was toddler and the moving men called me Butch, much to my mother's dismay. Because I have had to do much of my healing recently in iso...
Sexual violence is not foreign to my Black Queer body, despite my inability to always verbalize the violence that I have endured. My first experience of sexual violence started at the age of seven. Despite the trauma endured, I am resilient and the possible of healing. Throughout life I have learned the value of advocating for self and discovering true community. I am proud to share my story and to help those who desire healing just as I did/do.
It is not your fault. You are enough. You are worthy of healthy love.
May my words have the power to inspire, uplift, and encourage others who may be going through challenging times. Sharing my message of hope can help create a ripple effect of positivity and kindness. EMPOWERED WOMEN EMPOWER WOMEN.
Tu mensaje ayuda a sobrevivientes sentirse escuchados, creídos, y apoyados. Tu puedes mandar todos los mensajes que quieras y siempre puedes ver el impacto que tu has hecho en la página de comunidad.