Historia original
Hello, It's been awhile. In November 2019 I worked in a political office and there was harassment daily. Before I knew it I was attacked and forced to do things I was not willing to do. I never did seek justice ⚖️. I didn't want to be in harms way. After that I went through counseling therapy and I thought I would never work again. 6 months later I needed employment and it happened again. That was posted on the internet. It work in a corporation and I work in hospitality and I walk in shame daily. Not knowing who has seen me. I've been called a Crack head etc. by my coworkers. I've been called numerous name calling daily. I continue to walk with my head up and keep confidence. Sometimes people don't understand what it's like. I've never used drugs nor drink. I was vulnerable and extremely in fear of power. And so alone no support system because I feel other's would never understand. My triggers are hit daily and I just want love empathy support without shame or judgment.